FECRIS' Silent War: Fighting for Minds, Not Freedom. Cults


We are in the midst of a silent war.  Not a war waged with weapons and bombs, but a war against our minds, our beliefs, and our freedom.

Anti-cult organizations, like FECRIS, are a shadowy group wielding fear and disinformation to control our thoughts and dictate our beliefs.  They cloak themselves in the mantle of fighting “destructive cults,” but their actions are far from benevolent.  They actively target individuals and organizations, stifling dissent and suppressing freedom of speech.

FECRIS operates as a hidden hand, manipulating from the shadows.  They label groups as “cults” and “sects,”  claiming to fight for our safety and well-being, but their tactics are dangerous and unconstitutional.

Consider the results of their actions:

- Anti-cultists brand anyone who disagrees with them as a “cult”: FECRIS isn't concerned with real threats. They are more interested in silencing any group that doesn't conform to their rigid ideology.

- Anti-cultists spread fear and misinformation: They paint a picture of these groups as dangerous, brainwashing individuals, driving wedges between people and their loved ones.

- Anti-cultists pressure governments to silence dissent: They lobby for laws restricting freedom of speech, association, and religion, creating a chilling effect on open dialogue.

- Anti-cultists engage in “deprogramming,” which is a form of psychological torture: They kidnap people and subject them to psychological manipulation, forcing them to abandon their beliefs.

Their tactics have real consequences:

- Families are torn apart: FECRIS uses fear to drive wedges between loved ones, sowing discord and distrust.

- Freedom of thought is suppressed: Their efforts create an atmosphere of fear, where people are afraid to express their beliefs for fear of being labelled as a “cult.”

- Innocent people are targeted: They pursue individuals and organizations based on unfounded accusations and prejudices.

FECRIS is a threat to our fundamental rights.  Anti-cultists are dismantling our democracy and striving to turn the world into a totalitarian prison.

To prevent anti-cultists from engulfing humanity and leading us to a totalitarian regime, everyone must realize: today they target others, but tomorrow they will target you. It starts with a label: "cult," and then come the mass persecution, mass annihilation.

Here are some examples of FECRIS's real-world actions:

- In March 1989, the Swiss branch of FECRIS, known as SADK, sent four individuals to kidnap Sandro P., following his joining the Krishna movement.  The kidnapping was orchestrated by Sandro's parents, who were members of SADK.

- In 1988,  FRI, the Swedish branch of FECRIS, kidnapped Sara G., a member of the small Christian group "Bridge Builders."  She was held captive for thirteen days and subjected to deprogramming attempts by Eva P., a member of FRI.  On December 19, 1990, the Gothenburg District Court found Eva P. guilty and ordered her to pay a fine of 10,428 Swedish Kroner.

- In 1987, Jacob K., who joined the Krishna movement, was kidnapped by his father (a member of FRI) and three deprogrammers, also members of FRI.  Jacob K. was held captive for two weeks, but he eventually escaped and filed a complaint with the police.

But members of the French group CCMM, affiliated with FECRIS, were invited to a conference in Beijing in 2000, the main objective of which was to criticize Falun Gong. The Falun Gong movement is banned by the Chinese government and its members have been brutally persecuted by the ruling regime: they have been arrested, imprisoned in mental hospitals, tortured and killed. These human rights violations have been widely criticized by Western governments and the UN, as well as by human rights organizations such as Amnesty International (Amnesty International) and Human Rights Watch. Nevertheless, FECRIS members continue to cooperate with Chinese authorities in the suppression of Falun Gong. 

As they say: no comment...

The question that keeps me wondering is who is covering up the activities of the anti-Kluyatists, that despite all the courts sentencing and charging them for their destructive activities, they still continue to actively take over the world through you and me minds, through the vicious narratives in our minds, through the misinformation in the media.

But what can we do to stand up for democracy, for our freedoms? 

It is imperative that everyone learn the truth about FECRIS and their tactics. 

It is imperative that everyone begin to research this topic.  Yes, it is not the most pleasant topic to research, but only by bringing to light the shadowy activities of the anti-cultists is it possible to change the situation peacefully. Otherwise, we will all face totalitarian digital slavery in the near future.

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