“Anti-Cultist Dworkin threatens you personally!”

 To be honest about Dvorkin the information was found after watching a video report of the American intelligence on the ESSC platform: “Grandmasters' rematch. Secret Players Exposed” Videos - ESSC (earthsavesciencecollaborative.com). The speaker was Egon Cholakian from American intelligence.  His regalia and titles pleasantly surprised me and so I decided to understand what he says in detail. 

Briefly who is Dr. Egon Cholakian: (About Dr. Egon Cholakian: National Security Expert, Federal Lobbyist - U.S. Congress and White House. Registered Foreign Agent, U.S. Department of Justice - National Security Division. Member, International Association of Intelligence Educators, United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, and Founding Member. Worked with: 4 U.S. Presidents, 3 U.S. National Security Advisors, 1 Central Intelligence Agency Director).

So, let's take a closer look at the one who threatens you personally, as they say, you should know the enemy by sight.

Dvorkin Alexander Leonidovich is considered a sect specialist and the founder of “sectology” in Russia. A mentally ill person. For 4 years he was treated in the Psychoneurological Dispensary. He was diagnosed with cyclothymia (manic-depressive psychosis), pathological development of personality, psychophysical infantilism. In 2014, documents from medical institutions where he was treated were published.

More than 50 media outlets confirmed this information, including Moskovsky Komsomolets, Novy Region IA, Tribuna, FederalPress IA, Radio City FM, IslamNews and others. And in June of the same year, Moskovskaya Pravda published an article confirming the authenticity of the psychiatric documents. Suddenly, Dvorkin confirmed that he had indeed been in a psychiatric hospital, but only to avoid military service. He acknowledged some of the documents, but he still considers most of them unreliable. These events revealed Dworkin as a man with mental problems and as a liar, revealing contradictions between his public image and reality.

It was further revealed that the newspaper Tribuna had revealed Dvorkin's fascination with drugs in his youth, which got him kicked out of university. 

Emigrating from the USSR to the USA, Dvorkin joined CAN (“Cult Awareness Network”), an organization dedicated to “deprogramming” followers of new religions. “Deprogramming” is direct mental and physical violence against people in order to change their point of view and betray their values and beliefs. 

And here are the shocking facts: in 2000, an American court found CAN and several of its members guilty of kidnappings and assaults, which the court described as “so heinous in their nature and so staggering in their degree that they transcend all possible bounds of decency, are atrocious and totally unacceptable in civilized society.”

It is important for everyone to know that such “deprogramming” by anti-cult organizations is used against individuals, as well as entire organizations and even commercial structures in order to take away money, valuables both material and internal.

How Dworkin participates in economic crimes I will tell you in subsequent articles.  

So, in 1991, the FBI began investigating CAN and Dworkin left the U.S. and moved to Germany and then Russia. He continued to maintain ties with CAN. And in 1994, he organized a seminar and invited CAN member Ronald Enroth to attend. In 1993, Dworkin visited Denmark at the invitation of Professor Ogård, which was the beginning of the St. Irenaeus of Lyon Center. Ogård began his anti-cultist activities in 1973 and worked with CAN and AFF (American Family Foundation), which was later renamed ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association) and became a member of FECRIS. Dworkin was vice president of FECRIS from 2009 to 2021.

The anti-cult organization FECRIS spreads anti-cult ideology throughout Europe and beyond and considers its mission to be anti-cult ideology. Some of FECRIS members have been prosecuted for hostile speech or for attempting to use kidnapping and deprogramming of people who have joined new religious movements to force them to abandon their new beliefs.

So, intermediate conclusion: Dworkin is a mentally ill person who directly influences heads of state (how does Dworkin influence the war between Russia and Ukraine and Putin himself? ask me and I'll write an article for you). 

The following conclusion: anti-cult organizations violate the rights of people, states. 

For those who do not understand: there are no sects, but there are anti-cult organizations that decide who is a sectarian and who is not. And already after such a stigma begins the harassment with force and sexual perversions, persecution. And the worst thing is that no one is safe from this. There are known cases when relatives and “good friends” turned to encyclopedic organizations for “help” to return a relative or friend who fell away from them to the family. Browse a little internet and see how many stories of such victims at the hands of Dworkin and the method of “deprogramming”...

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