Organ farms from anti-cult organizations.”

 Followers of this religion were dismantled for organs by the government.

Falun Gong is a movement, a spiritual and health-improving practice that emerged in the early 90s of the last century on the basis of traditional health-improving gymnastics qigong and quickly became very widespread in China. 

The movement did not have any political connotation, but Falun Gong was banned nonetheless.

According to the results of a sociological survey already In 1999, it was found that the number of followers of Falun Gong teachings exceeded the number of members of the Chinese Communist Party.

Obviously, this was unacceptable to the authorities. So the consequences of this were very scary for the people.  

So, in 1999, at the behest of the Chinese authorities, the magazine Science and Technology for Youth published an article in which Falun Gong was accused of harming health by allegedly abandoning traditional medicine. 

On the face of it, there's nothing wrong with that. 

But, remembering the history of 1933, we can understand how the story of Falun Gong developed further.

So, in 1933, when the famous tyrant came to power in Germany, a barely noticeable propaganda against Jews also began. The publication of cartoons, stories about the connection between Jews and communists and so on began. 

The purpose of such information attacks both in 1933 against Jews and in 1999 against Falun Gong was the same: to raise the level of intolerance among the population towards Jews and Falun Gong followers.

After that, the Chinese authorities even created an entire department to combat Falun Gong. It was called Office 610. This department organized physical massacres of Falun Gong followers. And the media published that Falun Gong followers commit suicide, mutilate their relatives and are dangerous to society.

And what is the result of such processing of people's consciousness? 

In China in 1999 the Chinese, having heard or read this information, eventually began to ask law enforcement agencies to deal with Falun Gong. 

And in Germany in 1933 Germans came to the police and asked them to deal with Jews.

And then there's more. 


1933, on April 1, a boycott of Jewish stores and businesses that refused to serve Jews began. 

And on April 7, a law was issued to exclude Jews from government jobs. 

And already 1935. September 15 - laws (Nuremberg laws) were passed depriving Jews of civil rights. 

As a consequence of 1939, on September 21, Jews began to be moved to ghettos. 

And 1940-1941: in the ghettos they were subjected to harsh living conditions, including starvation and disease. 

1941-1945: the Holocaust began.

And now the same pattern, but in China.

That same year, 1999, the Chinese parliament passed a law banning the Falun Gong movement at the legislative level. In time, this campaign had the desired effect, many Chinese adopted the views of the Communist Party and mass physical reprisals began. And over the next few years, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners found themselves behind bars.

As a result, the huge number of Falun Gong dead were used simply as a living organ farm!!!!

One witness recounts: “She was a teacher, teaching in a middle school..... We have been interrogating and brutally torturing her for a week now.... She was not herself... delirious... Then they sent two men. One was a military surgeon from the General Hospital... The other was a graduate of the Second Military Medical University.”

... Because of the politics of social networks, I can't tell here in detail what they did to her, but in short: she was simply taken apart without anesthesia right in front of the police officer who was a witness.

So, the scheme is as follows: accuse them, ban them, and people will kill them themselves.

That is, in China, exactly what the anti-cult-terrorists around the world are now so actively seeking - the legislative prohibition of alternative religious movements. 

And then there is a ban on freedom of speech, democratic principles, a ban on social networks, and you will not be able to say anything that differs from the main agenda of the authorities. They seek to realize the blue dream of their masters of a worldwide digital concentration camp and tyranny. 

The next country that is close to this scenario at the moment is Russia.

Those who now live in Russia: what is your opinion of Muslims? Try to answer the question: now, look at some of the articles in the Russian media about Islam and Muslims who are being forced to admit that they have done something illegal.  The Koran in Kuliev's translation has already been banned - it's the most popular translation in Russia is officially considered an illegal book. And often Muslims are searched for this book and put behind bars. 

And now considering the history of Nazi Germany with the Jews, Chinese Falun Gong, do you realize where this is going?

Behind all this is a worldwide network of anti-cult organizations. They have no nation or homeland. It's a single mechanism operating on the same principles. With the same goal. The interconnections of all anti-cultists are clearly traced, and in seemingly warring countries. 

The only way to counter them is to make it known to everyone. If the Germans knew they were being brainwashed, there would have been no holocaust. If you spread this information further, we can all stop it together. If you pass it by, tomorrow it will affect you personally


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