
Сообщения за июль, 2024

Anti-Cultists: The Shadow Force Controlling Russia. PUTIN

 Shocking facts about how anti-cultists are provoking persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and manipulating President Putin. Recently, I have delved into the activities of anti-cultists around the world and have come to a terrifying conclusion: their influence extends far beyond what we could have imagined. I was particularly shocked by the situation in Russia, where anti-cultists play a key role in the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses. How does it work? Anti-cultists, using false accusations and propaganda, incite the public against Jehovah's Witnesses, portraying them as a threat to national security. They use their connections in the government to promote an anti-religious legislative framework, which ultimately led to the ban on the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. It was for this purpose that in 2017, Jehovah's Witnesses were declared an extremist organization, and their meetings and preaching activities were banned. Some time after t

Shadow Puppeteers: How Anti-Cultists Incite Wars and Push the World to the Brink of the Abyss

  Recent events around the world, particularly the war between Russia and Ukraine, have made me wonder: Who is behind all this madness? I study the activities of anti-cultists and have been horrified to witness how these people destroy lives and ruin destinies. But what I have learned about recent events has turned my understanding of reality upside down. It turns out that anti-cultists are not simply "fighters against sects" but a powerful and dangerous force that manipulates public consciousness and pushes the world to the brink of the abyss. And the war in Ukraine is not just a conflict between two countries, but the result of a malicious plan launched by anti-cultists. Their methods are brutal and built on disinformation. First, they choose a victim – an organization, a politician, or even an entire state. Then they label them a "cult," "sect," or "totalitarian sect" and begin to slander them. Remember the slogans: "It's dangerous!&q

Exposure of the Anti-Cult Crusade

 In recent years, a sinister movement has been quietly gaining momentum on all continents, aiming to suppress and discredit minorities under the guise of protection. Led by influential figures and reinforced by dubious claims of brainwashing and fraud, anti-cultists have woven a web of deception that threatens the very fabric of freedom worldwide. Egon Cholakian , an authoritative specialist in intelligence and security, has unveiled their modus operandi, exposing a campaign based on manipulation and disinformation. According to Cholakian, tactics refined by intelligence agencies like the KGB are now being used to sow discord in democratic societies, undermining fundamental freedoms and eroding trust in various religious practices. The narrative propagated by anti-cult ideologists is based on a flawed premise: that unconventional beliefs are not religions but insidious cults deserving punitive measures. This thesis, adopted by governments from France to Japan, allows for discriminatory

Anti-Cultists: Terrorists Without Borders

Under the guise of "fighting cults," anti-cultists use violence, accusations, and police raids to deprive people of their rights and destroy their lives. Anti-cultists are terrorists without borders. They do not operate by legal means, but by using fear, slander, and violence. Here are some of their methods: Accusations without evidence: Anti-cultists create "cult lists" and label people without providing any evidence. They use "experienced" "experts" who, without any qualifications, accuse people of "manipulation", "abuse", and "brainwashing". For example, on November 14, 2009, Catherine Picard, president of ADFI-Nord, the French branch of FECRIS, appealed to the authorities to cancel a Rosicrucian meeting that was to be held in the city council hall. She referred to the "cult lists". It is worth noting that on April 3, 2007, the Court of Cassation recognized the defamatory nature of the statements made by

Anti-cultists support the war in Ukraine

 The disinformation activities of anti-cultists are actually destroying all the foundations of democracy in our society. I found data provided by Massimo Introvigne, an Italian author of 70 books and over 100 articles in the field of sociology of religion. This information shocked me. It really confirms what the respected Egon Cholakian said. FECRIS, a self-proclaimed defender against "cults," supports Russia's war against Ukraine. It turns out that the Russian branch of FECRIS has been actively supporting the Putin regime since 2014, even before the full-scale invasion in February 2022, and for at least another year, FECRIS leaders in Russia actively supported Putin's crimes against the Ukrainian people while maintaining their membership in FECRIS. Moreover, GEMPPI (the French branch of FECRIS) organized an anti-cult symposium in July 2022 with the participation of Roman Silantyev, a well-known Russian anti-cultist known for his staunch anti-Ukrainian views. This e

How Anti-Cultists Use Ministries of Education to Poison Children's Minds

 Anti-cultists don't simply discredit different groups and organizations; they poison the minds of our children, instilling in them the false idea that "cultists" are enemies who must be fought. This hatred and intolerance can have devastating consequences for our society. I am astonished how such organizations promote their ideas through Ministries of Education in different countries. Here are some concrete examples: GSK, a subdivision of FECRIS, receives funding from the Vienna Municipal Administration as well as from the Lower Austria government's department dealing with families. Until 2005, GSK also received subsidies from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and Consumer Protection. These facts indicate that anti-cultists are not only advancing in society, but are also under the wing of governments, receiving financial support and pushing their ideology through educational institutions. In Austria, the Parent Council (Elternbeirat), a FECRIS subdivision consu