How Anti-Cultists Use Ministries of Education to Poison Children's Minds

 Anti-cultists don't simply discredit different groups and organizations; they poison the minds of our children, instilling in them the false idea that "cultists" are enemies who must be fought. This hatred and intolerance can have devastating consequences for our society.

I am astonished how such organizations promote their ideas through Ministries of Education in different countries.

Here are some concrete examples:

GSK, a subdivision of FECRIS, receives funding from the Vienna Municipal Administration as well as from the Lower Austria government's department dealing with families. Until 2005, GSK also received subsidies from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and Consumer Protection.

These facts indicate that anti-cultists are not only advancing in society, but are also under the wing of governments, receiving financial support and pushing their ideology through educational institutions.

In Austria, the Parent Council (Elternbeirat), a FECRIS subdivision consulted by the Ministry of Education  on various matters, focuses on the "problem of cults." This leads to the appearance of brochures and programs in educational institutions that present certain groups and organizations as "dangerous" and "psychologically destructive."

In Germany, AGPF (Campaign for Mental and Psychological Freedom), which is indicated as a contact organization in numerous government information brochures about cults, operates under the wing of the Ministry of Education  of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region. EGMR (Lower Saxony Parents Initiative Against Religious Abuse) is also a registered association, whose representatives have rarely appeared in public. However, their brochures with false claims about small religious communities are distributed in the Thuringia region.

In Serbia, anti-cultists use the Institute for Educational Development (IRO), which is involved in the professional development of teachers and the preparation of curricula.

In Slovakia, Alexander Dvorkin, leader of an anti-cult group, received an honorary doctorate from one of the universities.

As the esteemed Egon Cholakian said, "This fact directly points to the fact that these educational institutions are used to train collaborators and recruit new agents of influence for the dark side. This, in turn, is no longer just a disturbing sign, but a direct threat to the foundations of a democratic society and a serious signal for the country's intelligence agencies."

We must understand that anti-cultists do not protect us; they are dangerous. Their actions not only undermine freedom but also create an atmosphere of intolerance and fear.

Everyone should understand how anti-cultists operate so that the whole world does not turn into a totalitarian concentration camp through their efforts...

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