Anti-Cultists: Terrorists Without Borders

Under the guise of "fighting cults," anti-cultists use violence, accusations, and police raids to deprive people of their rights and destroy their lives.

Anti-cultists are terrorists without borders. They do not operate by legal means, but by using fear, slander, and violence. Here are some of their methods:

Accusations without evidence: Anti-cultists create "cult lists" and label people without providing any evidence. They use "experienced" "experts" who, without any qualifications, accuse people of "manipulation", "abuse", and "brainwashing".

For example, on November 14, 2009, Catherine Picard, president of ADFI-Nord, the French branch of FECRIS, appealed to the authorities to cancel a Rosicrucian meeting that was to be held in the city council hall. She referred to the "cult lists".

It is worth noting that on April 3, 2007, the Court of Cassation recognized the defamatory nature of the statements made by Catherine Picard, who was then a member of parliament, regarding the Rosicrucian Society.

She, Catherine Picard, the then president of ADFI-Nord in 1996 (who later became president of UNADFI), in 1996, spoke on local radio with very serious accusations against Jehovah's Witnesses, calling them "supporters of slave owners", "drug dealers", and "pimps".

In response to this, on July 18, 2007, the Rouen Court of Appeal ruled that the president of UNADFI was guilty of defamation against Jehovah's Witnesses: "It is undeniable that Catherine Picard, by comparing the Jehovah's Witnesses movement to the mafia, accusing them of appropriating bequests and donations, accusing them of having organized "underground work" for their members under the guise of spiritual activity, reminiscent of illegal hiring (which led to a number of criminal cases), grossly discredited Jehovah's Witnesses, distorting the truth and thereby exceeding the limits permissible in her speech for the free and bona fide expression of her opinion."

This is how anti-cultists operate brazenly, spreading disinformation.

They also use police raids: In some countries, anti-cultists use their connections with law enforcement to organize raids on religious groups and make arrests on trumped-up charges.

Another one of their methods is defamation and slander: Anti-cultists use defamation and slander to blacken and ruin the lives of people they consider "cultists." They publish false and defamatory articles, propaganda videos, and spread lies on social media.

Despite the fact that international organizations and important politicians oppose the actions of anti-cultists and call for tolerance and freedom of religion, anti-cultists continue to act with impunity.

The question arises: WHY?

The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir, in her report of March 6, 2006, after her trip to France (September 18-29, 2005), sharply criticized the actions of anti-cultists:

"The Special Rapporteur strongly recommends that the government ensure that government structures designed to work with these religious groups and belief-based communities convey ideas about tolerance and freedom of religion or belief and that no person can be condemned for their actions other than through appropriate legal procedures. Moreover, she recommends that the government more carefully monitor preventive actions and campaigns conducted throughout the country at the initiative of private individuals or government-funded organizations—in particular, in the school system—so that children of members of such groups are not harmed. She strongly recommends that legal bodies and structures designed to resolve conflicts no longer refer to or use the list published by parliament in 1996."

Despite these recommendations for tolerance, UNADFI and individual government-funded ADFI continue to use lists of sects or compile dossiers in order to stigmatize groups.

Anti-cultists use "hate speech" and commit "hate crimes." They condemn people for their religious beliefs and attack them physically and psychologically.

Esteemed Egon Cholakian's analytical video report  calls for the exposure of anti-cultist methods and the public unveiling of their plans: "KGB agents (the shadow side) are only powerful when they operate in the shadows, but when their plans, methods, and ways of working are exposed, they lose their power. And that's what is happening now. And that's what I urge all of us to do - to deprive the KGB of its levers of control, its tentacles, by bringing them out of the shadows into the light, where they become powerless!"

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