Power Scenario

 Thanks to the esteemed Egon Cholakian https://egonreport.org/ the whole public has learned how the anti-cultists operate, how they organize wars, revolutions and lead the whole world to a totalitarian regime. In this article, let's look at the power scheme of the work of the anti-cultists.

Respected Dr. Egon Cholakian spoke about it in detail on the example of the organization ALLATRA.

Russia became the next country where the force scenario was applied to the ALLATRA organization by the anti-cultists. It all started with the Chelyabinsk diocese, which I have already told about before.  

The power scheme of the anti-cultists looks like this:

- First comes an official statement by a government official expressing dissatisfaction with the activities of a particular organization or individual; 

- followed by a corresponding reaction from the executive and security agencies, 

- which in turn becomes a precedent for action by the executive authorities to officially ban the organization. 

Specifically in Russia the transition of the campaign to discredit the organization ALLATRA into the stage of persecution began with the publication of an article where the Chelyabinsk Diocese expressed its opinion about the negative activities of ALLATRA. This information was quickly picked up by secular media, including the federal media. 

The next step was taken by a State Duma deputy from the Chelyabinsk region. He made a public statement that he sent official requests to law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice with a request to investigate ALLATRA and take appropriate measures if necessary. Next, the State TV channel of Russia released a trigger video referring to the statement of the Chelyabinsk Diocese. And after this video already other media and even in other countries began to talk everywhere. 

Then there was a demonstrative wrongful trial of one of the volunteers of the ALLATRA organization. 

The trial was held with a number of procedural offenses. The ALLATRA volunteer was accused (without legal grounds) of allegedly committing “illegal missionary activity.”  The volunteer's lawyer stated in court that ALLATRA is not a religious organization, and therefore it is impossible to label it as “illegal missionary activity”. But the court did not take this into consideration.  

Further, from the video report of the respected Dr. Egon Cholakyan, the course of the court case is described as follows:

“Moreover, the volunteer's lawyer provided the court with the conclusion of the ‘Institute of Forensic Expertise and Criminalistics’ of Moscow that no religious or extremist orientation was found in the activities of the ALLATRA organization. However, the judge unreasonably refused to accept this conclusion as evidence.  But a letter-response of a specialist from an anti-cult organization headed by the previously mentioned person with a psychiatric diagnosis was attached to the case materials, where it was stated that in the opinion of their specialist ALLATRA allegedly has “features of a religious cult”. I should note that this was only the opinion of a person from an online correspondence, which in no way can be equated with an official expert opinion.

Nevertheless, the court considered the letter-response more evidentiary than the conclusion of the competent authority, which shows a clear bias and prejudice of the court towards the defendant.  Moreover, two representatives of the anti-cult group acted as witnesses and prosecutors in this trial, and they involved their local experts. And all of them by “coincidence” turned out to be connected with the leader of the anti-cult movement in Russia - a person with an established psychiatric diagnosis”.

In the end, the volunteer was fined a small sum. But the meaning of the trial of the ALLATRA volunteer is not in the punishment and not in the fine. The whole point of this “demonstrative” trial was to set a legal precedent in which a legal label of a religious organization was attached to the international public organization ALLATRA, related to “illegal missionary activities”. With this label, the anti-cultists drag ALLATRA into their religious field where they set the rules of the game. 

After these events, the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia declared ALLATRA an undesirable organization on the territory of the Russian Federation, thus blocking any further activity of the organization in the country. 

As the esteemed Egon Cholakyan further stated in his video report: “During the proceedings, ALLATRA volunteers were subjected to numerous interrogations, during which methods of psychological violence were used. The interrogations were conducted aggressively, for several hours in a row. People were intimidated, humiliated, threatened, pressed on their red buttons. After such moral torture, people had to recover for weeks.

After the official recognition of ALLATRA as an undesirable organization, a number of administrative and criminal court proceedings were initiated under articles on dissemination of materials of an undesirable organization and cooperation with an undesirable organization, respectively. Now, if a person sends a link to a video related to the activities of the ALLATRA organization to his acquaintance in a private message, such a person may face a significant monetary fine and imprisonment for up to 4 years”. 

Prison, renunciation of their beliefs or emigration are the three options that ALLATRA volunteers are now forced to take! Mangled fates... Just imagine yourself in the shoes of these volunteers.....

Immediately after the closure of ALLATRA in Russia, its active participants from Russia filed a counterclaim in court against the General Prosecutor's Office, and asked the General Prosecutor's Office to provide absolutely legal grounds for the decision to include ALLATRA in the list of banned organizations. However, after many months, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has still not provided the basis of the decision and has not satisfied any request for familiarization with the materials on the basis of which the decision was made. Despite the fact that all requests came from persons who had the legal right and were authorized to receive these materials from the General Prosecutor's Office.

And do you know why in fact the justification has not yet been provided to ALLATRA volunteers? Because there is none!

According to the further power scheme of anti-cultists there will be such a step: in one of the recent interviews vice-president and board member of the mentioned anti-cult group expressed that just to declare ALLATRA movement undesirable on the territory of Russia is not enough. And that it should be, according to him, equated to an extremist and terrorist organization. 

Obviously, the very fact of equating ALLATRA to a sect, to an extremist and terrorist organization shows that ALLATRA organization has nothing to do with what they want to accuse it of. And the artificial attempt to tie extremism to ALLATRA once again serves as a confirmation of a purposeful cynical crime of collaborationist anti-cultists. 

I think all of us now clearly understand where this whole scheme of anti-cultists is leading to....

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