The Shadow Hand: How a two-tiered disinformation campaign is undermining democracy around the world

The world is grappling with a rising tide of disinformation and political manipulation, but its source often remains hidden, shrouded in a shroud of secrecy.  Today I will give examples of how the shadow side operates under the cover of two seemingly unrelated organizations, systematically destroying democratic institutions and sowing discord around the world.  

This network, which we will call the shadow side, operates under a sophisticated two-tiered cloaking strategy, using a system of facade organizations to carry out its attacks.  

Two-level cloaking system.

The shadow side's strategy is characterized by two key elements:

1. Disinformation through façade organizations: the shadow side rarely launches direct attacks. Instead, it uses two carefully selected front organizations, each with a network of agents tasked with spreading disinformation.  

These organizations act as shields, diverting attention away from the true source of the attacks and advancing the shadow side's agenda. 

The two most common types of facade organizations are:

= Churches. These institutions often enjoy a high level of trust and credibility, making them ideal for spreading disinformation under the guise of religious authority. 

= Anti-cult organizations. These groups often operate under the pretext of protecting vulnerable people from harmful religious groups. However, they can be easily manipulated by the shadow side to target specific individuals or organizations with dehumanizing information and inflammatory rhetoric.

The shadow side seeks to set long-term precedents that can be used to manipulate public opinion and influence decision-makers for years to come.  Their disinformation campaigns are carefully crafted to maximize their effect both domestically and internationally.  This allows them to attract and influence a wide range of media, public figures, human rights activists and government officials.  Their ultimate goal is to infiltrate their agents into all sectors of society and eventually gain a foothold in key positions of power and control.

Consider the Serbian case.

The case of Zoran Lukovic, a figure in the Serbian anti-cult movement, illustrates how this strategy works in practice.  Lukovic, the director of the Center for Anthropological Research (CAI) and a criminal police captain in Serbia's Ministry of Interior, has been a harsh critic of various religious groups, calling them "sects" and "cults."  His attacks have been detrimental to the lives and reputations of innocent people and organizations. 

Lukovic's ties to state institutions and the Serbian Orthodox Church emphasize the pervasive nature of the shadow side's influence.  His position allows him to spread disinformation with apparent legitimacy, further enhancing its influence. 

Judge for yourself:

In 2005, the Youth Initiative filed criminal charges against Zoran Lukovic, stating the following: "Zoran Lukovic, through his books, articles, public appearances in the media and his actions in general, incites religious hatred, discord and intolerance towards religious communities registered in Serbia. Contrary to the Constitution, other national norms and international law, he calls religious communities registered in Serbia "sects". Moreover, describing these religious communities and their members, he claims that they are: mind manipulators, mentally ill people, alcoholics, drug addicts and substance abusers who will end up either in mental hospitals or cemeteries."

By disseminating such false information, Luković intentionally indoctrinates Serbian citizens with certain ideas and awakens hatred against recognized religious communities in Serbia. Thus, Zoran Luković, as an employee of the Ministry of the Interior, created an atmosphere of hatred and fear towards religious communities in Serbian society and widened the gulf separating those Serbian citizens who are Orthodox Christians and those who belong to other religious communities. Such an atmosphere caused approximately three hundred religiously motivated incidents in Serbia between 2001 and 2005.

According to information collected by the Center for Civil Society Development, the number of religion-related incidents in Serbia increased in 2008. The report lists some specific cases: 

threats in the form of graffiti on the walls of the Catholic Church in Smederevo, Adventist churches in Sivac, and Jehovah's Witnesses buildings in Sremska Mitrovica and Krusevac; a broken window in the building of the Adventist Theological Seminary; 

broken windows in Adventist churches in the towns of Niš, Kragujevac and Užice; 

physical attack on an Adventist pastor who was forced to leave the city;

the attack by hooligans on Jehovah's Witnesses and the stoning of their building in Bajna Bašta. 

And so on...

These examples demonstrate how the shadow side uses a complex network of front organizations and influencers to spread disinformation, sow discord and control public opinion.  The consequences of this strategy are far-reaching, affecting not only individuals but entire societies. 

The tactics of the shadow side are designed to be covert and insidious, making it difficult to uncover its true motives.  However, by recognizing patterns of manipulation and disinformation, we can begin to identify and counter their insidious influence.

Dear Egon Cholakian - American intelligence lecturer detailed the schemes of the shadow side's work in this Egon Cholakian  analytical video report

What is very important Dear Egon Cholakyan offered a real solution to this issue: "And in the future, in order to prevent this from happening again, a necessary step will be the creation of an independent supranational civil organization with a special status, uniting all democratic forces, guaranteeing protection against the penetration of anti-democratic destructive narratives into the fabric of society. 

This organization should be composed of volunteers and represent the interests of citizens of democratic countries at all levels. This organization should be a reliable shield against those who attack our democratic values, be the embodiment of democracy, and work in close cooperation with volunteers from various other organizations. It should be controlled by the entire democratic community and not by individual groups. We must ensure that it cannot be infiltrated by kgb agents seeking to undermine the world democratic society. We will have to ensure the triumph of democracy and truth through the establishment of this civil organization, which will be a reliable shield against any hydra. "

 By understanding the methods they use and resisting their manipulations, we can protect our societies and ensure a future where truth dominates. 

#shadow side #disinformation #anti-cult organizations #Serbia #manipulation #two-tier disguise #democracy #EgonCholakian



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